In October I am offering an online course on the Rosicrucian documents of the 17th century (Fama Fraternitatis, Confessio Fraternitatis, and The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz).
“Archon” has proved to be one of the most useful concepts in my thinking over the past decade, especially since those fateful days beginning in Spring of 2020. Fateful days that have yet to reach their conclusion.
The concept is not (or should not) be lost on most Christians, as St. Paul employs it with profound and dramatic force in Ephesians 6:12:
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Interestingly, the actual Greek for “rulers,” “authorities,” and “powers” reads as “archas,” “exousias,” and “kosmokratoras.” “Kosmokratoras” literally means “those who are masters of the world.” Paul adds to this our struggle against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms, to which we will return.
Paul’s language here—and throughout the entire chapter—is resonant with the religious perspectives of the Gnostics. Indeed, the Gnostics, it could be argued, were more accurate readers of Paul than many of their more allegedly “orthodox” contemporaries.
The Gnostics, in fact, especially the Sethian Gnostics, read all of the Old Testament through the lens provided by Paul—and with some startling conclusions. In fact, they read most accounts of the God of the Old Testament as precisely that kind of archon Paul warns us to be on guard against. Not surprisingly, this has been the central bone of contention between Gnostic Christians (in their many permutations over the millennia) and what we might call, for want of a better term, “conventional” Christians ever since.
In the Gnostic reading, the Archons are spiritual beings, the offspring of a (literally) bastard god who thinks he is really the Father of All (the God proclaimed by Jesus). Their insights are definitely worth a hearing.
For one, as in the Gnostic text The Hypostasis of the Archons (also known as The Nature of the Rulers) the Gnostics interpret the pronouncement in Exodus “I am God; there is no other before me,” not as the good Father of All, but as the archon Samael, whom they describe as “blind.” Likewise, the Gnostics interpret the flood not as the punishment of an angry God, but as tan evil machination of the archons who revel in destruction: “The rulers plotted together and said, ‘Come, let us cause a flood with our own hands and destroy all flesh, animal and human.’” The Gnostics, that is, face head-on the question from which most believers divert their gaze: “How could God, the author of life, be so evil as to destroy all life?” But that’s not a discussion a lot of people want to have.
For my part, I have always read the story of the flood as a kind of fairytale—though I firmly believe there was a worldwide deluge (all ancient cultures attest to it in their mythologies). But those of us who prefer a literal interpretation of scripture may be lacking the intellectual honesty of the Gnostics when faced with such tales of destruction wrought by a moody and petulant deity. The deity who brought the flood, that is, doesn’t seem to have much to do with the one who said, “Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do.”
This all came to mind earlier this week as we marked the 22nd anniversary of 9-11. Call 911. Over the ensuing decades, I have found the various conspiracy theories regarding 9-11 as an inside job orchestrated by bad actors in the Deep State (or wherever) as incredulous if not outright laughable. Quite simply, I found impossible to believe that any government could be so evil as to inflict this kind of death and destruction on its own people. I don’t know why, as governments don’t have much hesitation on wreaking so much devastation on the people of other countries (Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc.); so making the leap to thinking they would do so to their own shouldn’t have been such a challenge. But it was a hurdle I was not prepared to jump. Now, I’m not saying that 9-11 was an inside job, only that I would not be surprised if it were. That is, now I actually think a government would be that evil. And the reason I wouldn’t be surprised if it were is all due to the manufactured crisis that is all things Covid and the surreal and diabolical responses of control and manipulation that followed in its wake (and show no sign of letting up). All of which has been brought to us courtesy of the Archons.
By “Archons” in this sense, I mean “the rulers, the authorities, and powers of this dark world” and I mean “the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” I think it’s both.
I take as a given that the Covid virus was a juiced-up bio-weapon created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It is the most obvious conclusion, since the work of that lab was the juicing-up of corona viruses—and I am less and less likely to believe its release was an “accident.” You don’t need to get all William of Ockham to suggest otherwise. And I also believe the vaccine itself is a bio-weapon and the cause of untold harms upon people. This is called “outflanking” in military terminology. I know, and perhaps you do too, many persons who have been injured by the vaccines—including my wife (though that was through shedding). My brother-in-law, a contractor, lost the use of his right arm for over six weeks; my nephew temporarily lost his hearing; one of my best friends has been afflicted with illness ever since; another had sudden-onset myocarditis; a friend’s 19-year-old daughter was vaccinated in order to attend school, and she was subsequently hospitalized after every shot. And so on. But the thing that troubles me even more is the possibility that many of the upcoming generation will discover that they have been sterilized through introduction of this mRNA technology which we know—and the Archons have known since the beginning—attaches to all of the body’s organs, the testes and ovaries in particular. Even as early as April 2021, reports of women have extraordinarily heavy and irregular menstrual cycles after vaccination—and after being near the recently vaccinated (which I first read in The New York Times, in an article which first appeared in April 2021. I have tried to find it again, but it appears to have been scrubbed).
I don’t think any of this was “by accident.” I think it was by design. What appear to be unrelated or epiphenomenal developments to the double bio-weapon strategy suggests it was. First, as is well-known, the scandalous migration of wealth from the lower rungs of the economic ladder to the upper rungs attests to a callous disregard for human flourishing. The predacious moves by figures like Bill (“The Philanthropath-in-Chief”) Gates in gobbling up farmland (one farm near me was gobbled up—to make room for a solar panel farm. Shoot me now.) or Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street—major shareholders in 88% of all companies listed on the NYSE— doing their best to own every single-family home in the United States through a network of shell companies and LLCs indicates some nefarious goings on in the economic sphere. These are the Archons. and, like Samael, they act like they think they’re gods.
Add to this the rise in the surveillance State, the repression of speech by alleged “Western democracies,” and the rush to create “net zero” (what a rhetorical farce that is!), and 15-minute cities, not to mention the myriad examples of eco-terrorism we have witnessed over the past few months (“wildfires” in Greece, Canada, Maui, etc. that turned out to be not so wild after all) and arrival at other conclusions becomes less and less tenable. As comedian George Carlin so accurately states in this clip filmed just three months before he died in 2008, “The table is tilted, folks, the game is rigged.”
And the game is rigged no matter who is in power. This has nothing to do with “left” or “right.” The US and Canada, both in the power of left regimes right now, are all in on the surveillance State and the repression of speech—but so is the government of the conservative-controlled United Kingdom. At the beginning of the “pandemic,” Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben made this cogent observation: “Therefore, in a perverse vicious circle, the limitation of freedom imposed by governments is accepted in the name of a desire for safety, which has been created by the same governments who now intervene to satisfy it.” For saying what was so obvious, Agamben was pilloried by academics and intellectuals. Having been around this species for much of my life, I was not at all surprised: with some exceptions, academics tend to be a sycophantic breed of herd animal currying up to the approval of the powerful. Kind of like Bernie Sanders who, despite his faux Socialism, always defers to the surveillance State and the war mongers like the good Neocon he truly is.
So it should be clear, as Neil Oliver rightly observes in the clip below, “We can’t vote our way out of this one.” It’s the illusion of choice, the “plastic or paper?” of the political game, a masterful employment of the rhetoric of division that perpetuates the power structure.
As much as it pains me to say it (because by doing so I have to admit my own blindness over the past two decades), the various authorities of “The Church”— East and West; North and South; Protestant, Orthodox, and Catholic—are also complicit in the rulership of the Archons, as my friend Guido Preparata argues in his forthcoming book, Church and Empire (I’d post a link, but his website is under reconstruction at the moment). And probably no church figure is more obviously compromised by the Archons than Pope Francis, who promotes their aims under a veneer of piety. The table is indeed tilted.
Now, none of this surprises me. In 2018 in my book, Transfiguration, I wrote about the oncoming collapse of the Archons—and how they wouldn’t give up without a fight (a fight which we have been witnessing in real time since March 2020). I’m also not surprised by the promotion of transhumanism endorsed by the same sociopaths (as I’ve mentioned in this space before, I first published about the approaching transhumanist epoch in 2005).
Inspired by the Czech dissident Václav Havel, I have been endorsing a parallel polis or parallel structure as a way to subvert the world of the Archons. For me it’s the only way. As he argues in his important (and I cannot emphasize how important it is—but it is) essay “The Power of the Powerless” (written in 1978, before the fall of Communism in his country),
“These parallel structures, it may be said, represent the most articulated expressions so far of living within the truth’…. For what else are parallel structures than an area where a different life can be lived, a life that is in harmony with its own aims and which in turn structures itself in harmony with those aims? What else are those initial attempts at social self-organization than the efforts of a certain part of society to live—as a society—within the truth, to rid itself of the self-sustaining aspects of totalitarianism and, thus, to extricate itself radically from its involvement in the post-totalitarian system?”
Because, let’s face it, the “democratic West” has now been revealed to have been deep into the post-totalitarian archonic system for a good long while—and it all took place while we were sleeping. Time to wake up.
Havel finishes his essay in this way:
“For the real question is whether the ‘brighter future’ is really always so distant. What is, on the contrary, it has been here for a long time already, and only our blindness and weakness has prevented us from seeing it around us and within us, and kept us from developing it?”
As I said, I think the Archons with which we are dealing are both powers of this world and of the spiritual world, the latter of which inform the former. The worldly Archons may not even know about their spiritual informers, which has in no way impeded their progress. Nevertheless, what we are facing, as St. Paul tells us, is ultimately a spiritual struggle. Waking up to the truth—both political and spiritual— then, is the antidote to the soporific cocktail of fear, uncertainty, and lies from which we have been drinking. But we are children of the light. As the Lord tells the writer of The Hypostasis of the Archons,
“You and your offspring are from the Father, who was from the beginning. The souls come from above, from incorruptible light. So the archons approach them because of the spirit of truth within them, and all who know this way of truth are deathless among dying humanity.”
This is just the opposite of “You will own nothing and be happy.” I suspect we are still in for a good long struggle with the Archons, but the first step in defeating them is gnosis. Then we will see them for who and what they are: self-made gods ruling a kingdom of lies. And then it’s over and “the children of light will know truth, and their root, and the Father of All, and the holy Spirit. They will all say with one voice:
The Father’s truth is just, the child is over all and with everyone. Holy, holy, holy! Amen.”
Our Lady said at La Salette:
"Fight! Fight, Children of the Light!"
"Given the current context I cannot answer the question".
Many, I believe, mistake the "context" to the question asked (what is a women, a man, a human) is referring to the Transsexual debate. I think this is a mistake. I think it refers to the use of the MRNA vaccines (that we know modify DNA). The context now (the one we are living in) is that people have chosen to give up their humanity (allowed their DNA to be bought) so that they could return to the life they dreamed of before the pandemic.
The Archon, for many years have been crying out to us; What have you done w the liberty given to you? 'Repent you wicked generation', you have polluted the air, the water, the land (and the gospels too). If you do not repent we will take these liberties from you. You must decide, either repent, or give up your humanity/life/liberty.
And the vast majority chose to give up their lives for more fiat bullshit.
I call these people Pink Carnations (pinked incarnation). They are a new life form, w a new OS. We will see what they become.