Mar 29·edited Mar 29Liked by The Druid Stares Back

We have always known who they are.

Also, I think that your description of the capture and repurposing of the living imagination pretty much sums up how egregores are made. The Church is supposed to be the Bride of Christ, but it is increasingly driven by its egregore, which is the Whore of Babylon.

In my view, the latter figure is not an actual being, but rather the final egregore, the summation and synthesis of all non-being. No created being is ever truly lost, but this thing was never created at all.

In related news, I like to cite *The Neverending Story* for theological purposes, and to suggest that the true evil is the Nothing, and that Satan is only Gmork: the created chief lieutenant of the Nothing. I also say that *Groundhog Day* is the greatest movie about Purgatory ever made.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Many of these ideas crossed my mind as I have celebrated Palm Sunday, the Annunciation (not displaced in the Use of Sarum), Tuesday and Spy Wednesday and this day on Maundy Thursday. Washing the altar with wine and water makes a big impression on me. As I don't have a parish, I celebrated alone with the invisible Company of Heaven. Tomorrow will be the bitterness of Good Friday and then, on the following day, the Light of the Paschal Candle and the Exultet. I once read that Mozart would have relinquished all his compositions for having written this sublime Gregorian melody sung by the deacon. It was the moment when Dom Odo Casel rendered his soul to God in the Abbey church of Maria Laach in 1948. I am thankful to be a priest and ready for any good work and kindness. I look forward to being able to buy your new book, your introduction, and the text I have already read on printouts from pdf files. I like to read real books! - and especially Novalis and his Blue Flower.

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Mar 29Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Just to say: this excellent, and rich food for thought.

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Mar 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

You will be pleased to know after time spent in prayer to the Father I had a revelation of the fellowship of the Archangel Michael and Mother Mary who as friends both helped me deal with a sudden bout of temptation and the presence of the tempter and I had an experience of the difference between veneration and the worship which belongs alone to the persons of the Trinity. For me veneration means the respect and reverence due to someone above you, better, with more authority. Unlike Jesus, Mary doesn’t have the taste and feel of humanity combined with deity, but is supremely, beautifully perfectly human. Michael is angelic naturally and is pleased to serve, help, protect me Hebrews 1:14 and I now have new unseen friends to call upon and be with. Despite their being so far above me Mary and Michael in a peculiar way were my servants and brethren, at my side not above me. The greatest in the kingdom are servants of all as it says. Strangely wonderful. It is all a gift of grace to the imperfect not gradual attainment of spiritual worthiness. I will be exploring this.

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Mar 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

For some reason my brain has always read "The Druid Strikes Back" until today. I'd watch that. Great cover for the new book. I adore Novalis.

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