Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by The Druid Stares Back

You should check out that works of Dr. Michael Heiser. He talks about these giants and what we normal understand as a bloody conquest by the ancient Hebrews leaving Egypt being actually a battle against the giant clans that remained in the land after the flood. The giants were the Anakim, Rephaim, Og king of Bashan, and Goliath. These beings were bad news for humans and hell bent on our destruction. Dr. Heiser also shows how that in the time of Christ demons were not understood as fallen angles. Demons were the disembodied spirits of the giants that seek to return to the flesh. So, according to Dr. Heiser these giants are still around.

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His name comes up a lot.

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Jun 9Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Heiser kicked me down this path 10 years ago, but after reading Steiner, I'm more of Michael's mind here - that archons and giants are more likely egregores (spiritual-sub-beings or psychic programs) that have haunted humanity since humans bonded together around evil doing and dark power. I think these fit well the dumb, impersonal, eldritch horror of these things that fester suicidal urges toward war.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by The Druid Stares Back

The psalms are very good counsels (as Evagrius knew in his Antirrhêtikos). I also employ Psalm 91, which begins ““He that dwelleth in the shelter of the Most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

However, using this psalm has proved challenging for me, once I picked up reciting the Office a few years ago, since (as it turned out) the Devil sometimes precedes. As I unfortunately have a good memory, there was a film I saw in my youth (I won’t mention its name to prevent others from looking it up). Late film by a well-known director, who knew exactly what he was doing: as if intending to forever stain the use of that psalm. Pure evil. Those who’ve seen the film may guess which one it is.

In the scene in question, someone being murdered desperately recites certain lines from this psalm for comfort, but which doesn’t help. The first time I had to recite this psalm, often found in Compline, the images from the film came up immediately, and fighting my way going forward I’ve had to whittle memory away by investing my utmost will into the images the words themselves convey instead. I’ve had to imagine myself in the desert. I sometimes use 68 to clear the way (and then 51) before going onto 91. It’s pretty secure as a refuge now, but that was a battle (with pale shadows still flitting at the edge now and again).

“Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered!

Let those who hate Him flee from before His face!”

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Charles Upton has a number of relevant texts, you probably know them. Cracks in the Great Wall from nearly twenty years ago and the more recent The Alien Disclosure Deception. He's not focusing on giants, but the true nature of visitors from another realm. I think the "shrinkage" of the giants over the millennia is an interesting idea. At this point, one has to be culpably blind to miss the animosity and anti-humanism that motivates the Evil. It's fundamentally hatred for Christ, and yes, Sophia.

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Jun 9Liked by The Druid Stares Back

I don’t believe I have posted this anecdote here, though I have other places. In the late seventies I had a lengthy lay over in Chicago’s O’ Hare Airport. So I took a walk outside. Walking along I suddenly felt what can only be described as a wave of satanic evil sweep over me from behind. I turned and about fifty feet behind me was Henri Kissinger walking along with two body guards . I took a right and got out of there. Though at 5’ 8” Kissinger didn’t have much giant blood it showed me wickedness in high places is quite real. Whether or not Kissinger was unknowingly being a pawn or consciously knew the evil I have no idea. There is nasty stuff upstairs in our society. I think the assassination of the 2 Kennedy brothers was a time when the monster surfaced in overt action.

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What an evil man he was.

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Jun 9Liked by The Druid Stares Back

A worthy reflection on the signs of the times. The comments on fighting especially helpful.

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James! I was just thinking about you!

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Jun 12Liked by The Druid Stares Back

I listened to this podcast a couple months ago: https://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/lordofspirits/land_of_giants

It's a good one.

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Thanks! I've listened to them before, but I don't think I caught this one.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by The Druid Stares Back

I pray the Rosary every morning, and yes, I know it is as you and Tomberg say.

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Jun 10Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Giants of free will


They got us to defy

The natural order

The limits of air

The bound’ries of water.

The feature free-will

Turned into a bug

They whip up our vices

Fertile soil is now dug

The forms that we shape

Not open to reason

Unilateral and smooth

Unaware of our treason

Stupid and dull

The same old round.

But what is it making

What end are we bound?

Constraints lords are bound to

From those we’ve been freed

We’ve become a house maker

Their desire has us lead.

They wanting to come here

To the lap of sweet mind

Perversion distortion

And monstrous grind

Prophet the profit

What machine are we built?

Pandora at scale?

A system of guilt?

The making of beauty

Mother and wife

Warm clean white room

No trouble and strife.

They forgot in her making

Lost was the man

Prometheus surpassed

His creation him ban.

The giants are restless

Within us fight war

They knock others out

And the weapons keep score

Final participation

Sophia and techne

Race to the heart

Machine wins or wise faie?

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Jun 10Liked by The Druid Stares Back

I’ve come across them in my dreams. Approximately 20ft tall and in perfect proportion. They’re always at ‘way stations’ somewhere in the near future and are in charge of transporting ‘us’ to the ‘next place’? They’re dressed in ancient style short tunics. I wonder if anyone else dreams them?

Fascinating theories Michael. Food for thought - Heroes are hungry.

Thank you.

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Jun 10Liked by The Druid Stares Back

"I know this all might sound crazy" Not really.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Well the archons at some point will be kicked into the pit upon the return of Jesus until then we have to accepting the presence of them lurking louts and aim to walk in the Spirit instead of under their loutish influence.

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Jun 9Liked by The Druid Stares Back

I love this post. Thank you. I also just watched this beforehand.


I’m a lot behind on Substack recently. Travelling in Europe to visit family.

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But what about the sheep!

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Jun 9Liked by The Druid Stares Back

The sheep are good. My husband is home with all the critters. When I get back then he will go. We rarely travel together unfortunately.

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Jun 9Liked by The Druid Stares Back

This is really interesting! I've researched the mythology of giants in Greek and Roman sources so the topic is familiar. I can see there is a cabal in power in this world (and I really like the use of the word archon here) but I don't see why one needs to mythologize them as giants or lizards (like David Icke). Are we trying to externalize the evil so as to excuse humanity from the sin? Evil is a natural part of humanity and has been since Eden. Of course there are other beings around about whom we know very little but should be project our own evil onto them?

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Thanks for your thoughtful comment!

I have come to the point where I think mythology, fairy-tales and the like are closer to actual history than we were educated to believe, though the language landscape is more imaginative than our Enlightenment-conditioned way of thinking. So I started reading myths, etc. with more of a "maybe this really happened" frame of mind. Not everyone can "go there," of course. And I'm fine with that. Even you admit evil has been with us since Eden--which most people today would dismiss as a story for children.

To your other point, about "our own evil"...let me just say that I reject being lumped in with evil of such a massive scale. I have plenty of sins on my head, but mass genocide is not among them.

And, as I wrote, it may or may not be that the current world rulers are descended from giants or whatever. But they certainly act like it. And I hold to the position that what we're facing is precisely the kinds of spiritual evil St Paul was talking about. Of this there is no question.

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Jun 10Liked by The Druid Stares Back

The spiritual is much more material and concrete than the ground of being, apophatic, neoplatonism stuff. Note the appearance of Yahweh in embodiments in the OT. Typically termed the Angel of the Lord. The culmination of that is found in Revelation 1 where it said that God sent his angel to his servant John and who then shows up as the angel - Jesus with eyes of flame shining like the sun - the only detailed description of his appearance found in the NT. Jesus says he is the “first and the last” a description given to Yahweh in the OT. One day I realized this dude described in Revelation 1 is the same one as the guy appearing in Ezekiel 1. That’s the Jesus who is with me who touches me as he did John and says “Do not be afraid”. So after the ascension Jesus resumed his normal day to day outfit. This whole thing leads into wonderful fun Triune God territory. You can dance through the whole Bible with this stuff and in your life, he is the Living God after all. The spiritualities of the traditions of man - Calvinism, contemplative mysticism and so on is not the one I see in the Bible. Baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire is the ticket.

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Jun 9Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Junior’s Farm on the last post and now Heroes. You’re on a roll!

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Somebody gets me.😅

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I like the approach of CORAC: Corps of Renewal and Charity...just a grassroots collection of people who hope to be ready to support others as things devolve around us. 100% agreement on the 8 characteristics/aims you mention, above. I wonder what you'd think of my theory that the Guardian Angels of Saints have a role to play in the restoration of (whatever you would call) the 'matrix of Holy Wisdom' which was breached by the defection of a third of the angels. Perhaps we are in the time of the waning of those rebels, and the waxing of the Kingdom...its light drawing the lines sharper between good and evil than ever before.

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