Mar 10Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Robert Johnson’s books have influenced me for years and I find myself reading them over and over. His book Inner Work pulled me out of a very dark place and changed my life when a copy of it found me just when I needed it. As a mental health counselor, I have given out more copies of He than any other book.

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Good stuff—I may look into that trilogy. Also, I just finished reading your new book. I like the heterogeneity of it; each piece has its own distinctive charm. And the "Ballad" was pretty fun, including the fun of picking up on the rhyme scheme.

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Mar 7Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Neither the animus nor the anima are developed and are increasingly oppressed. from my research, I conceive two monsters in society today - the 'egregore' and the 'moloch'. Could it be that these unconscious soul aspects are manifesting? Moloch as the unconscious animus coming to life, and egregore as the anima (or perhaps vice versa)?

Father Chad Ripperger talks about the masculine derelicting his duties, and the feminine usurping. These represent two of the demonic generals - Asmodeus and Leviathan. Perhaps there is a link?

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Mar 7Liked by The Druid Stares Back

I was just telling one of my kids that our sexuality should be treated as the most religious part of us. When we don't see it as religious the results are a godless world.

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