Jun 26Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Maybe it's not publication this play needs, but collaboration...just to be performed. I'm thinking of Blackfriars putting on Joseph Pearce's Death Comes to the War Poets...somewhat edgy/experimental.

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that's a good idea! would definitely be a challenge to stage, though

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Simone found her way back to you through divine intervention! I'll be annoying you with texts of pics of the first editions of Dee's conversations with spirits I looked through in Cambridge last month. I can't imagine a play you wrote about them being anything other than "shot through with humor." Love you so much.

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I should have mentioned your Peledan tattoo!

Love you ❤❤❤❤

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Jun 17Liked by The Druid Stares Back

The Bear did it. From the bearallell universe. It’s connections to the divine lies in mystery and complete focused devotion

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what was I thinking? obviously!

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Haha factor: "Angelico probably get enough complaints about publishing me already" — seriously?? They published Shaw's "Hellenic Tantra" recently. Iamblichus, Abhinavagupte and Co. That's pretty out there for a "Catholic" imprint.

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There was some crazy trad guy a year or two ago who was on a campaign.

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