I'm also very impressed by the fact that the honeycomb is a hexagon: the same as the Seal of Solomon and the Luminous Trinity—and, as I point out at the start of my book, the symbol of the heart chakra. Well, cheers to that!

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I have been making mead for several years and sharing it with people. Very easy to brew. The Christmas party for my workplace features a best mead contest among myself and three co-workers who have converted by tasting brews made by this mead evangelist. Today I started a mead based on mostly pomegranate juice as the dissolving liquid. First time departing from a water based, though I have used heather flowers, angelica root, honey bush and the addition of Drambuie liqueur as favoring agents in the past. I have access to a lavender flowers growing around the labyrinth at my workplace, so may try that at some point. I make a gallon at a time in a one gallon fermenting jar. Use the base recipes found in the book How to Make Mead Like a Viking and the French Champagne yeast Lalvin EC-1118. Haven’t tried using the yeasts found naturally, may try that sometime. Generally use the raw California Central Valley honey sold at my local Costco. I live south of Fresno in that valley.

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Beautiful poem. Thank you. You are blessed to be living amongst such unspoilt Nature.

Do you know of any works on the religion of Mithra that refer to four branches rooted in the four fixed signs of the Zodiac: Taurus; Aquarius;Scorpio and Leo ? The possibility of there being four worlds/temples of Mithraism initiation came to me years back whilst walking the streets of the City of London after visiting the newly restored Mithraic temple beneath financial news Bloomberg’s UK London offices.

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Thanks! It's been a while since I read much on Mithraism, but what you seek might be in Franz Cumont's book on the subject (I'd look it up--but I can't find my copy!)

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