Jun 29Liked by The Druid Stares Back

A note on the fairies At the end of an old trail in Prairie Creek Redwood park is an old fire scarred redwood. I’ve visited it for the last 47 years with regularity as I’ve gone up and down the west coast. As it’s been bypassed by the new trail, one has to bushwhack some to go down and sit with it. While sitting there once several years ago, I encountered a fairy. Not hardly a shy small being; but a very large very dark presence easily larger than a bear . And seemingly somewhat pissed about the state of how its realm was being treated. Acknowledging it presence with some reverence it quieted a bit and after a few hours I left. One has to respect those beings and understand that they are fine with those who do.

The last time my partner and I visited that tree. She burst out into tears of recognition and I said “ What’s happening old tree? “ The answer I got was unexpected. “ The tribe is marching north. It gets warmer and the tribe marches north . It gets colder and the tribe marches south. We’ve outlived the reptiles. We’ve outlived the dinosaurs and we’ll outlive your kind also. The tribe is marching north. From a being 1200 years old a bit of proper positioning of us.

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Thanks for sharing your story, Daniel

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Jun 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Do you always harvest your garlic at this stage? I’m curious because I live near you and I usually wait for it to die back a bit more.

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About 2-3 weeks early this year (everything is!). If you wait too long, the bulbs start to split. Plus, I waited to see what everyone else out here was doing--turns out I was later than everyone else.

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Jun 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Thanks. Mine has been looking ready but I was late getting scapes off so it just seemed too soon! Traveling during this season has really thrown me off.

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Scapes were in May. Crazy! You can't tell in the photo, but the leaves were turning brown to the lower sets.

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Jun 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit walked with, talked with, and knew the Father. Because of Jesus as being the Door and Baptizer in the Holy Spirit we can do the same as he did. Now that is where the real action is! Faeries at best are minor stuff on the side and kind of irrelevant though interesting in a small way.

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Jun 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

And the best magic!

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So glad you are speaking with Therese! We will come back to you when the current round of teaching has subsided a bit - August is good.

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I look forward to it.

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