Feb 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

I would think Bruce Charlton would fit the criteria but either way the silence is deafening.

I generally don’t engage in these matters myself as I’ve found them spiritually damaging to focus on. That may be a personal matter or a personal weakness, but I find that the machine grows in power the longer we gaze at it.

I prefer not to remain silent, however, when these issues come up in my life. I started a new job and then they began implementing double standards for vaxxed and unvaxxed. I made it clear to the owner where I stood (never ever.) The policy was immediately changed to remove the distinction. The most minuscule act of courage may have stopped a rising tide. Imagine if everyone did the same. The world would be a paradise in comparison.

Evil has its way because only when we don’t push back or when we leave it to the few brave enough to do so.

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FYI: Kingsnorth has been editing his Substack work on "The Machine" into a book for Penguin. So there's that.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Liked by The Druid Stares Back

I love David Bentley Hart's writings, especially his novel *Kenogaia* and his literary essays. But in his book on nature and supranature, there was a passage where he suddenly launched off into a tirade against the "orange goblin". Leaving aside the opinion itself, it was just jarring and totally out of place; one wonders why an editor didn't say cut it out, although maybe said editor was also deranged in a similar manner. And as another commenter here mentioned, DBH is a member of the DSA, as far as I know.

Point being, I'd wager that you probably wouldn't wanna hear his opinion on what you call the gene therapy.

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Mar 4Liked by The Druid Stares Back

These matters haunt me every now and then. Beautifully expressed, bravo!

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Mar 1Liked by The Druid Stares Back


On what points do you disagree with Tomberg in MotT? I agree with his sophiological view, his perennial scope of what it means to be Catholic, his Origenism and universalism. However, he often seems very "traddy" to me and maybe that's my own bias reading into it. Also, do you agree with his beliefs pertaining to the papacy? He seems to be echoing Solovyov in his vision of the universal church. I also admire Solovyov. Just curious about where you agree and disagree with him. Thanks.

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Feb 29Liked by The Druid Stares Back

On a side note, this is indeed a spiritual battle, but I found that martial arts (BJJ in my case) are very helpful, even for not so young man (I started at 39 years old). It helps to clear the mind and see that we need also to act and not spend much time debating over trivialities. If the spiritual knighthood will be able to integrate the natural and the supernatural it has to to be able to fight in the world, otherwise is mostly larping.

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Feb 29Liked by The Druid Stares Back


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Feb 29Liked by The Druid Stares Back


Dr. David R. Martin (another great Martin!) is also one to check out.

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Feb 29Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Great article, and motivating. Having come to Christianity by way of more esoteric pursuits like Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism, Alchemy etc., I still find many people in that space, particularly John Michael Greer, Mark Stavish, Gordon White among others to express some of the best articulated critiques of pandemic policy and the Great Reset. Some of these folks claim to be Christian or at least seem to show a respect towards traditional forms (except for Greer who seems to continue to be a staunch Druid). They may seem like strange bedfellows but I think there is more in common than not Then there’s Russell Brand and others who are coming to Christianity in part from their research and reporting on the machine.

I also have to point out that Robert F Kennedy Jr. is a devout Catholic.

Anyways, it gives me some hope.

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Feb 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Good one Michael. Now is not the time for silence. Paul Kingsnorth recently announced that he is soon beginning a series on the Theology of the Machine. So he will be joining the chivalric forces! And Matthias Desmet is coming out with a new book soon. Can’t wait for that one.

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Feb 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Bravo, Michael! I have often lamented the loss of chivalry--though being from the South, we still had touches of it when I was growing up. In modern America there is nothing to uplift the soul in the sense of a shared cultural community-- although there are, of course, ample opportunities for individual creativity. But we need a new vision of knighthood today-- if for no other reason than to save manhood! For feminism has just about destroyed American masculinity!

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

Indeed your words are prophetic. A friendship of mine has just ended, a seemingly intelligent man who came from the north of England as I did, is at the head of a large sailing association with which I have had some very enjoyable times in my boat. I have known him to be oppositional and to shout down his antithesis instead of arguing rationally and courteously. He came at me by upholding a thesis similar to that of the "Sea of Faith" (look it up), Liberation theology and critical theory. He upholds the climate "hockey stick" and "net zero", the European Union, and finally, the full woke agenda. He came frequently to my Facebook posts to shit on them with his diatribe. I finally "unfriended" him on Facebook and decided to go quiet on religion and politics, at least for the time of Lent, and to make more efforts on my blog and some developing book projects.

Fr Robert Hart is a priest of the Anglican Catholic Church Diocese of the South, and his quite left-wing comments are quite surprising for our conservative Church. He and I share the same Archbishop, he as being resident in the Diocese of the South and myself in the Patrimony of the Metropolitan, our "diaspora". Fr Robert is also an awkward person on certain subjects, and I treat him with kid gloves.

Perhaps we can appropriate the word "Woke" in the meaning of "Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme", the quote you took from William Blake. Make nonsense of the cultural Marxists pretending to uphold Islamic Jihad, LGBT (etc.), transsexualism, cancelling culture and history, promoting the Klaus Blofeld-Schwab agenda and so forth. Who could sow the seed with force and credibility? I remember a film with a speech of Cardinal Innitzer of Vienna during World War II calling Christ the true Führer instead of Hitler, taking from the enemy the meaning of the words they were using to manipulate the people.

As you say, this is a spiritual war. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12).

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deletedFeb 28·edited Feb 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back
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